What others say: A Transylvania Road Trip by BlondeAtlas

Home » Get Inspired » What others say: A Transylvania Road Trip by BlondeAtlas

An interesting blog post by BlondeAtlas. Some nice tips and some good words about their experience in Romania. I particularly liked her choice of restaurants, Bistro de l’Arte in Brasov and Kulinarium in Sibiu are also two of our favourite restaurants.

Having visited more destinations in Europe than I can recount from memory, I’ve grown to be quite a confident traveler when exploring any new destination on this particular continent…that is, until I arrived in Romania. Don’t get me wrong, this country is stunning and someplace that absolutely deserves a spot on your travel list. But it’s also a destination that requires doing some homework before you go.

I cannot but agree… There are so many things to do in Romania that need an insider, a local guide. Having the classic DIY tourist experience leaves you worrying about car rentals and means that you miss the best this country has to offer. This is where we can help, smoothing out the roughness of the experiences.

Also, skipping Bucharest… that’s not acceptable. 🙂

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