Frequently Asked Questions
Plan a Tour with usTravelling in Romania
What is Romania best known for?
There are many things Romania is (in)famous for: Nadia Comaneci, the great gymnast, the first in the world to have a perfect 10 at Olympics in 1976; the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest – the heaviest civil building on Earth; the Danube Delta – a world famous natural wonder; Nicolae Ceausescu – the horrible dictator that had a horrible ending during the anti-communist revolution of 1989; and of course, the world famous vampire celebrity Dracula – the fictional (or not?) hero of Bram Stoker’s novel – who lived in the equally famous land of legends, Transylvania. These are only a few items in our list, but we could write many novels about what we think Romania should be famous for

What are the best seasons to visit Romania?
Romania has 4 seasons each with their own attractions.
Winter – if you want to visit the mountains and enjoy the snow, winter sports and less crowds when visiting the major cities. December holidays are amazing for the country life traditions centered around Christmas.
Spring and Autumn – if you like the amazing colors of the orchards in the Spring and the marvelous yellow red forrests in the late October. Bucharest in the sunny, barely warm days of April and October is absolutely awesome and the light is glorious.
Summer – quite hot in the South but nice in the Northern regions – the best period to visit Transylvania and Bucovina. Danube Delta’s fauna is the most active – all the birds are there but so are the mosquitos – be prepared.

Is Romania a family friendly destination?
Definitely yes. Romanians love kids and, especially in the country side, there are lots of activities for them – visiting the domestic animals in their shelters, seeing craftsmen doing their work and getting involved in painting, clay modeling and other traditional activities, hiking on well marked trails, seeing great looking castles. Many cities have adventure parks, acqua parks or zoos.

What shouldn’t you do in Romania?
Romania is part of Europe. The European sensibilities apply here. There are no explicit taboos other than the ones dictated by European common sense. Like in any Western European country, don’t be impolite, noisy or ostentatious. When visiting churches – especially monasteries – you should have decent clothing (if possible, long pants or shirts – they are used to tourists so they might provide proper covers). Take into account that the people in country side are more conservative and they appreciate less flamboyancy than the ones in the cities.
How is the current geo-political situation impacting Romania?
Romania is European Union and a NATO member and has significant NATO and US military bases. Therefore, Romania is in no way directly impacted by the war in Ukraine and we do not think there is any reasonable chance it will ever be.